Fitness Machines
Backed by solid science, the revolutionary technology of Whole Body Vibration Machines is being used by professional sports teams, universities, healthcare practitioners, fitness centers and elite athletes in a variety of applications. Vibration exercise machine training has also emerged as the latest trend among celebrities and their trainers.
Burns Fat and tones and tightens skin.
Increases Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
Decreases cellulite and boosts your body's natural collagen production.
Increase your muscle strength
Improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.
Builds bone density and fights osteoporosis
Increase metabolism, helping to burn fat and raise energy levels.
Reduces your back and joint pain.
Decrease blood pressure and cortisol levels.
Dramatically increase your flexibility.
Improved sense of balance and coordination.
Elevates your serotonin and neutrophine levels (better mood and sense of well being)
10 Adjustable Speeds
Timing: 10 minutes
LCD/LED display speed, time and Calorie Consumption